Give her a gift that’ll help her relax and unwind.

For Mother’s Day this year, create a customized, one-of-a-kind, just-for-mom basket filled with luscious lotions, aromatic essential oils, cologne or scents that she may not normally buy or try. To save money and fit any budget, you can pick up things at a drug store, dollar store or discount beauty supply. You can add Heloise Bath Salts for a relaxing and soothing soak.

Pour 3 cups of Epsom salts into a glass bowl; add 1 tablespoon of glycerin, several drops of food coloring and a bit of perfume or a few drops of lavender, eucalyptus oil, or rosemary. Slowly pour into the salts and mix well. Put into a pretty container and wrap with a bow. Include directions to add one cup into bath water, as the tap is running, for a heavenly treat.
Buy several pretty hand towels, include the above Heloise Bath Salts, or put the towels together with essential oils of lavender (calming and relaxing) or eucalyptus (relaxes muscles and clears a stuffy head) or only a drop or two of rosemary to calm and soothe. While bathing, to help relax sore or tight neck and shoulder muscles, dip the hand towel into hot water, drape it around the neck and upper shoulders and settle in for a relaxing soak. In winter when many of us get a little stuffy, try my favorite hint I use especially when traveling. I take a fresh face cloth, dip it into the hot water, ring it out, then hold it to my nose and slowly inhale several times. This seems to add much-needed moisture to my bone-dry nose and is a calming, relaxing scent that just seems to melt away the tension. My favorite is lavender which I travel with and use all of the time.

You can purchase some of these services or you can offer to provide them yourself.
- Massage and spa treatments.
- Manicures and pedicures.
- Movie tickets for the occasional escape.
- Babysitting services to allow for a night out on the town.
- Grocery shopping so there’s one less thing to do on her list.
- House cleaning or a few hours or half the day.
- A week of dinners, home cooked and delivered or cooked at her home, cleanups included.
- Other gift ideas can include yard work, home repairs, pet care and car maintenance appointments.