Naturally clean, remove odors, stains, and more.

1. To contain awful cooking odors (especially cabbage and fish), boil a cup of water in a pan on the stove and add 1 to 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

2. To create a love home aromatherapy smell, add some cinnamon or orange or lemon peels to a pan of water and vinegar, let boil. It will fill your home with a lovely scent.

3. To freshen a sink drain, pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain and follow with 1 to 2 cups of vinegar. Let it bubble 5 minutes. Flush with plenty of water.

4. To clean a sink aerator, drop heated vinegar into it to flush out hard- water deposits.

5. To clean the coffeemaker, run full-strength white vinegar through a normal brew cycle, run again, stop halfway through and let sit 15 minutes, then run several cycles with plain water.

6. To remove fish or onion odor on hands, rinse them with apple cider vinegar.

7. To make your own window cleaner, add 1/2 to 1 cup of vinegar to 1 gallon of water.

8. To remove while salt rings from clay pots, wipe undiluted white vinegar over the affected areas.

9. To kill unwanted grass on sidewalks and driveways, pour full strength vinegar directly on the areas.

10. To remove hard-water stains from your dog’s water bowl, pour heated vinegar inside it.